Sunday, April 22, 2012

Being a Part of the Bigger Plan

Today was my first day of helping at NewSpring Church. It was extraordinary! I was able to be a part of the baptism service and talk to two people who lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ. Both are involved in a rehab facility and came to NewSpring's Easter Service. One was transformed by understanding that she could not change the woman in the mirror. ( ) She needed Jesus to help her change. That is the most awesome realization one can have. Praise God for her new life in Jesus Christ!

The other girl was the one who gave goosebumps. She used to be an atheist. She was addicted to drugs and took some unaware it was laced with poison. She was lying in a bed dying and said she would do anything to live. She gave her life to Jesus. Now she is a born-again believer. She has seen an amazing transformation that she did not think was possible. Today she was baptized. She went before the congregation and declared Jesus as Lord of her life. Isn't that beautiful?

I related to her story because my husband was a drug addict. I know how painful addictions can be. But I also know how freeing it is to allow Jesus to transform you. It starts with one step.

So today I stand grateful and honored to be able to witness all of these baptisms. They were only two of the many that were baptized this morning. Our congregation gets up and cheers each one. We believe in going crazy over people whose direction has moved from death to life. We want to rejoice in every next step. I was just a small part of God's plan. It was important for me to hear their stories and it was important for them to see how excited and supportive NewSpring is. I am one of the many that celebrates each transformed soul. I love my church and want everyone to experience God's grace, mercy, and love.

God loves everyone. Everyone has a story. Each story matters to God. What is your story? No matter what it is, God still loves you. He is waiting for you to turn to Him and invite Hi into your heart. No one is too far. Nothing is so bad. He loves you! He loves all you! He loves every part of you! Do not believe the lie that you are not redeemable. No matter what Jesus died for you. Call on Him and see. He will never disappoint.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Peace worth the Pain

Wow! it has been almost two years since I have been on this blog. one reads it so no harm, no foul. So I figure, if no one is reading, I can say anything and not have to worry about controversy or argument.I can say whatever I want because I am the only one here.

So, let's see...I am still teaching although only at one school. The students are still the same. I am not the same. If anything I became more discontent. I felt as though I was in the wrong place and not living out my God-given purpose. I did not think I was making a difference in their lives and go everyday becoming disappointed and disenchanted. Yet, I was filled with hope that I would not remain this way.

My family found a church. FINALLY! It only took three years of visiting church after church after church. We go to NewSpring church, one church, many locations. It is the first church that has all the values a church should have. 1) Growing people change, 2) You can't do life alone, 3) Saved people serve people, 4) You can't outgive God, and 5) Found people find people.

NewSpring sees salvations everyday and has baptisms once a month. We celebrate every Sunday. But that is not where it ends. NewSpring believes that believers all have a "Next Step" in their walk with Christ, so they have monthly classes for everyone to find and work on their next step. Volunteering and tithing is expected of Owners. We are not members, but owners. When you own something you take care of it and do whatever is necessary to keep it working.

Pastor Perry Noble is a visionary. He can explain the Gospel like no other. He makes it applicable and he is very transparent. He does not yell or condemn. He has been there and empathizes with everyone. I laugh and I cry. The Holy Spirit is alive and well! I invite you to check it out. .

Since my ownership at NewSpring, I have grown as a Christian. I am volunteering, going to a Small group, and tithing. God is faithful and I am grateful to be a part of His plan for my life. I may not like everything about my life, but I can rely on Jesus to help me through every situation until there is a breakthrough. That is what is new in my life.

I am learning to find my peace in God no matter what the circumstance. Is it easy? No. But I have found that the peace is worth the pain. Growth can only come through the difficulty times. so bring it on. Jesus is faithful and I trust in Him.

Friday, June 18, 2010

This is Temporary Folks

The first thing I thought about when I saw this chapter was Mission Impossible. I have never seen the movie but have watched many of the old television episodes. I remember that they would play the tape recorder and then it would self-destruct. How cool is that? The assignment was always dangerous, but the audience always knew that it would be accepted and won. It was a temporary assignment and the good guys would complete the assignment with some intrigue and excitement along the way. So like our assignment here on earth. It is temporary and has so much intrigue and excitement along the way. The difference is we never know how long it will take to complete the assignment and what tools we need along the way.

I mean, think about it. We go through some difficult challenges in life, don't we? We also have some really good times. It is difficult sometimes to remember that we are only on this earth for a short time. We get caught up in this life and all it has to offer us, and there are many: money, fame, friends, position, etc. But as Christians, we must think differently. We cannot allow the "things" of this world to take the prime priority of our lives. Case and point:

I am a teacher and, to me, and apparently to the government, I make below the poverty level for my family of four. I know that is hard to imagine. My husband only works part-time. He is a full-time student working on his teaching certificate. He has looked for a full-time position but cannot seem to find anything here. I look at it as God's will for our family right now. To many people, teachers make a good salary and some do. At least those with a lot of experience. I am going into my third year of teaching and I have a masters plus 30 education. My salary is not much. My two teenage girls need clothes and extra "stuff". I could get worldly and caught up with making more money in order to meet all their needs. I could be bitter because they do not have what other teenagers have. But I cannot allow myself to get into this mind frame.

First, I must be a role model for my children. They must see that I rely on God for all our NEEDS. Having wants met is not the issue. If we are able to have a little extra, then great. But my concern should be spiritual not worldly. My goal is for my children to understand that the love of money and things is the root of all evil. Therefore, I must love God above all others. He will provide for me and them while molding us into His image. But, I digress... slightly.

I must look to heaven. When I look to the earth, I have a false sense of what is important. The world says I am to look to money, fame, and even friends for my happiness. That might be true, depending on your definition of happiness. But according to Mr. Warren, the pursuit of happiness is not what life is about and I am glad. Why? Happiness is so wishy-washy. We can be happy one day and totally distraught another. I want that joy that is available through Christ at all times. the kind that Paul talked about. The "Be joyful in all things" kinda joy. No matter what is going on, I can still be joyful. Even when my mom died last summer, I could still have that joy in my heart knowing that God was with me and it was okay. "The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever." (2 Cor. 4:18)

So even though we experience sorrow and despair, there is a peace within. Why? Because our souls belong somewhere else; not here. They long to go home: die. For when we die, we go home. Home is heaven and that is where we have a our permanent assignment. We will dance and sing and praise and be totally glad that we are home for good. There will be no sorrow and no despair, just total fullness of being and everlasting life. Doesn't that sound great? I can't wait for that feeling to be totally engrossed in joy and peace. WOW!

But I am here on earth for the moment. And as long as God gives me on this temporary assignment, I must be mindful of my job here. I must not fall into the mindset of this world and all it has to offer me. I will stay focused and determined to complete every task God sends my way. And even though I may feel depressed, distraught or even mad at times, I will also remember that this is temporary. Those negative feelings can be used as a remembrance of my mansion in heaven. "It is well with my soul."

Friday, May 14, 2010

God's View

I speak to so many students who do not know how to see the future. If asked about tomorrow, they could care less. All they see is today. How can one prepare for the future if only the present is seen?

Well we all need to start looking at life and defining it. The way we define life will be the way we live life. Pretty simple concept, right? I think of life like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs. There is one flaw to this analogy however, life also has valleys which a roller coaster does not. We all have a picture of what life is to us. Rick Warren calls this our "life metaphor". Our life metaphor will guide our actions. If life is seen as "a bowl of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." (Forest Gump) then you may live each day with surprise and awe. If you think it is one party after another, then your emphasis will be to have fun. If life is a race then we will go about each day with great speed. So, you see how you value life is how you act upon it. But how is this metaphor related to God's view?

The Bible tells us that life is three things: it is a test, a trust, and a temporary assignment. Wow! Really? These do not fit with my metaphor. I guess I need to do some rethinking about my life metaphor if I want to have a purpose-driven life.

Life is a test...

The first character in the Bible I think of when hearing the word test is Abraham. He was to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He went to do just that, but God pulled him back at the last moment. This was a test of faith and he passed with flying colors.
Then I think of Job. He had everything; a wife, children, riches, friends and fame. He also loved God with all his heart, mind and soul. But everything was taken from him. Yet he stilled praised God. Not sure if I would pass that one.
I have never been tested to those degrees, yet I am tested. God looks at my reactions to people and situations. He is wanted me to react with integrity, patience and love. I have to admit. I have failed miserably lately. And the fact is that I will continue to be tested until I pass the test. You would think I would have learned all ready, but, NO!

Warren mentions another type of test. It is the one when you cannot feel God's presence. I have been here many times. It is not a good place to be either. Warren talks about Hezekiah. Hezekiah was close to God. He talked with him daily and enjoyed his fellowship. But one day God withdrew during a difficult time to "test his character, reveal a weakness and prepare him for more responsibility." God does the same with you and me. He wants to see how we will act when he is not around, so to speak. Will we remain faithful to him or go the other way? This is tough. Testing is not easy. But if we know that life will be this way, we will realize that every part of our life is significant. No decision is unimportant. This revelation make me think about my decisions. I have been too lackadaisical with some of them thinking they mean nothing. Wrong. They all have eternal significance. In fact, every time we pass a test, we receive a reward. "Blessed are those who endure when they are tested. When they pass the test, they will receive the crown of life that GOd has promised to those who love him." (James 1:2).

Life is a trust...

Everything I have is from God. I know this is a hard concept. We think that since we bought it,m we earned it. The truth is that unless God allows it, we would have nothing. God provides everything here on earth. He just lets us borrow it for the short while we live on earth. Nope. You can;t take it with you in eternity.
There is a story in the Bible about three servants. The master gives a different amount of money to them and expects a return on his investment when he returns. After the master came back he took stock at the growth of each servants investment and rewarded them accordingly. The owner replies, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You hve been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of in many things. Come and share your master's happiness." (Matthew 25;21). This is where I fall. I am not good with money. Until I am, I will always live paycheck to paycheck. I need to give God what is his first and believe that no matter what is in my checkbook., God will provide. you see there is a direct correlation to money and heavenly riches. If I cannot manage my money on earth, I will not be given heavenly riches. This is sad for me. It is a test that I have not been able to overcome. I have failed every time. I am testes constantly. UGH!

So, if life is a test and a trust how has God been testing me in these areas? I need to look at my life and see what I need to work in to pass these areas. I want to be responsible but am I willing to do what is necessary to get there? That is the big question. What is my answer?

Friday, April 30, 2010

There is life after death

Okay. Here is something we all need to understand. There is an eternity. There are actually two. Now, I know you people who do not think that there is a God, or those of you who believe that we will come back to this world as a rat, worm, or whatever will find this hard to believe. Nevertheless, it is a truth. We all die. We all live eternally on the other side. It is up to us where we go.

I would much rather believe that there is a better place after I die than to think this is all there is. How hopeless. If I thought that there was no heaven or hell, then it really does not matter how I live today, does it? Why not cheat my fellow man? If there are no consequences for my actions, who cares? WRONG!

There are consequences, eternal ones. It is time we realized this and started living for eternity because that is forever. Our time here on earth is a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Think about that. FOREVER. “To infinity and beyond!”

This chapter focuses on how we need to prepare for eternity. Every action means something in heaven. I work in a high-poverty, urban area. With poverty comes short-term thinking. Most of my students do not see past today. They do everything that feels good to them because they cannot see past their present. That is why so many have to socialize and everything they do is so “important” and must be done right away. They make many mistakes because of this type of rationalization. They say what they want regardless of how it sounds or how it makes another person feels. They want what they want. All that is important is meeting their desires at that very moment in time. Well, you can imagine how this plays out in life. “Well, your gonna have trouble my friend.” And thus comes the problem.

Eternity looks at all your decisions here on earth. Did I act kindly to another? Was their patience? Did I help someone in need or did I only think of myself? Is my now reflecting my life after death? We all need to think about eternal life. We need to prepare for it. Fools only think about today. This requires change.

The chapter poses a thought-provoking question: “Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing? “ For me I found more than one answer to this question. Perhaps you will too. The important thing is to realize that we need to change some things in order to prepare for our life after death life. It may hurt, but I think the eternal consequences will prove it was worth the pain.

I mean does it really take that much more time and effort to be kind? Why can’t I send a card to someone to brighten his day? Should I really e spreading bad news concerning someone at the office or should I try to find a positive attribute for that person instead? Am I following the crowd just because it is easier or am I standing against injustices and maybe going against the status quo?

We were made to be wise and kind, not foolish and self-centered. Think how the world would be a better place if we all looked at other through rose-colored glasses. Perhaps we would look past the scars and the labels. Maybe we would change a life. Maybe we would start some cheering in heaven because we chose to spend time helping another rather than leaving them in the path of destruction. Isn’t it funny how one choice could make an eternal difference? We need to think about that.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What guides my life?

Wow! What a deep question. What guides my life? I have to look deep into myself to find the answer to that question because the first thing that comes to mind is my family. But should my family drive my life? What about work? Is being a teacher guiding me? Does pride or guilt make me do the things I do? What about God? Where does He fit in my life? The third chapter of this book tells me that there are five common points that drive people: 1) guilt, 2)resentment and anger, 3) fear, 4) materialism, and 5) the need for approval.

Ouch! Is there one positive attribute in that list? NO! Not one. If that is true, which one is leading me through life? i do not want any of them, but let's face it. If these are the most common, one must be my driving factor.

GUILT: This is where we are plagued by memories. Past regrets can haunt our present. So, let's take inventory. What do I regret? Well...if I have to be completely honest, I have been regretting my marriage. I have so many hard times. I have been married 19 years. My spouse has been a crack addict for many of those years. Where I had plans of being financially stable and having a high position in a company fell because we were always moving and running away. I have regretted saying "I do" for many years, but does that drive my decisions in life? Sometimes.

RESENTMENT and ANGER: Holding a grudge is something I try not to do because my mother was the queen and I never wanted to be like her. She had high blood pressure every day and no amount of medication could fix it. She ended up dying last August. I always told her to let the past stay in the past. She could not. now she is in the grave. Do I want to end up like her? Absolutely not!!! Even with my topsy-turvy marriage, I still forgive him and try to trust him. It is hard, but I do try.

FEAR: Am I afraid to try different things? Do I allow past experiences to stop me from being who I need to be? Some people have had traumatic experiences and because of this, they are afraid to do what their heart desires. I must admit, all though I am afraid at times, I try to walk straight ahead and face them. I have found that failures are easier to accept and my victories are oh so much sweeter.

MATERIALISM: Keeping up with the Jones' is a very tempting way of life. It is also the fastest way to the poor house. To be truthful, I do envy some people out there who can buy the car of their dreams, buy clothes whenever they need to, able to say yes to my children more often, but that has never been the case with me. I have never had enough money to be able to do this. I live paycheck to paycheck. I hate it with a passion. But circumstances always dictate the opposite.
Now not being able to buy the things I want is does not mean I am not materialistic. Being materialistic means I desire these things. Whether I get them or not is irrelevant. Harboring this desire is the same things. Having things, though will not make me happy. Nor will they help me to be prosperous. In fact, I will only be sadder and sadder because I never have enough.

THE NEED FOR APPROVAL: I expect my children to make straight A's. We give them money for every A they bring home because school is their job. I get paid to do my job. they get paid to do theirs. I am very proud of my children when they achieve this goal because I know how hard they work to receive these perfect grades. This system works fabulously for my children. However, I do not want them to make straight A's just for my approval. I do not want their sole drive to be because their parents provide the approval. I want them to be self-motivated to be the best that they can be. You can not please everyone all of the time, so it is time to learn to please ourselves.
I love to be noticed. When I sing, I want praise. But the praise should not be the motivator to sing again. This is my talent and I should love to sing whether or not I am complimented.

So what does this all mean? How does this affect me? Well the purpose of this chapter is to get me on the right track. The correct path is to follow God. To be directed by God and God alone. This is called a Purpose-Drive Life.

According to Rick Warren, there are five benefits to a purpose-driven life. Here is what I have learned from reading this section of the Chapter 3:
1) If I know my purpose, my life will have meaning. There are many distractions. One can go to a psychic, read a horoscope, read self-help books, etc. but none of these can take the place of truly knowing YOUR purpose not someone else's vision of your purpose. Only God can provide that to me. I have never gone to a psychic because I know the Bible tells me not to. But I have read self-help books. The only self-help book I need to read is The Bible. It is personal and applicable to my life and everyone else's.

2) Knowing my purpose simplifies my life. DUH! If I know my purpose I will not be running here and there to try different things that only side-track me from my main goal. The Bible reminds me that my days are numbered. I do not have enough time to do everything under the sun. God has appointed me with just enough time to do what he has called me to do. Doing anything else is a waste of time and will cause me not to fulfill my purpose. Wow! I am 45. I need to get going! Time is running short.

3) Focus in life comes with purpose. "Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants." (Ephesians 5:17) This means not to do it all. We should be very selective with our time. If the activity does not add to our purpose, we need to say "NO". Maybe people will think we are stingy, but we really need to be. This is our purpose, not theirs. While others will meander through life doing this and doing that, by being selective and focused, we will accomplish our main goal.

4) Knowing our purpose prepares me for eternity. that sounds great. I will not have to worry about life after death. According to Warren, we need to stop building our kingdom on earth. Hmmm seems to me I have heard that somewhere before. Where or where was it? Ah yes! The Bible! we should not build our kingdom on sinking sand. This world is definitely sinking sand. it will all pass away. But heaven is forever.

5) My focus will motivate me! Ahh just what I need motivation. Maybe that is why I always feel unmotivated. I am focusing on the wrong thing. If I focus on the right thing, I will be passionate about it. So I need to see what makes me excited? SINGING! I love to sing. I am now singing at church in the chorus. I sing in the local theater. I do need to get back to writing my own music. I had so much fun doing that several years ago. I have lost my focus and need to return.

So, what did I learn. Mostly that I have taken wrong turns. I need to return to the thing God has called me to do. MUSIC is my calling. What is yours? Find it, work it, and do not be distracted. If your friends think you are being selfish, well maybe you are. But it is for God's glory, not mine.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

"God Doesn't Play Dice" Albert Einstein

I am now now on Day Two. If you are keeping up, you have probably noticed that I am not writing every day. So, day two refers to chapter two. I would like to be able to do this every day, but I really want to focus on the metamorphosis of my life because of following the chapters. I am a firm believer that change comes gradually, not instantaneously. My change will be more permanent that way.

Guess what? If you have ever been told that your parents did not plan you, or, God forbid, that you are unwanted and never should have been born, that is a LIE! God knew about you and was waiting on you to be born. It had nothing to do with your parents lack of self-control or lack of planning. "You are alive because God wanted to create you!" (Warren, p.22). ISN'T THAT GREAT NEWS?

Now I know that sometimes I feel that there are obstacles or challenges or situations that make me feel as though I am in the wrong place and should have never been born. I am sure others feel the same way. But don't lose hope. All of those difficulties will serve your great purpose in the future.

One of my favorite Bible verses referenced in this chapter is "You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book." Psalm 139:16. It's true. God was talking about me before I was born. He was excited about me. He was ecstatic about you. He couldn't wait for you to be brought into this world. I am His creation and He loves me. And the best part of that is that He does not grow tired of me. Yup! Even though I may do stupid things, He still is glad I am here.

So, with all this in mind, and this is a lot to ponder, I must believe that GOD is my creator and that He planned me. He wants me. Most importantly, He loves me always. I have to admit this is hard pill to swallow at times. There is a God, an omnipotent being, a perfect deity that always loves me. I have to be honest, I do not feel loved all the time. In fact it gets quite lonely. But I must get my head around this awesome fact. The creator of all I see and do not see decided to have me around. I am a big part of His plan. This gives me the hope I need to go on.

Even though I may not know what my purpose is, I know that I am not a mistake and have one. That means it is out there somewhere. But how do I find it? "The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us." Romans 12:3 (Message) So, in order to find my purpose, I must look to God, my Creator.

Wow! I am feeling better already. I know for some of you this is big pill to swallow. But what if we just decided to put this to the test. Give it a week if you will. Go around with a different attitude based on the idea that we have a purpose because we are not an accident. There is a God who loves us and wants us to fulfill our destiny. If we believe this we must do something different. We must get to know our God. How? Just say a simple prayer..."God, I just was told that you are the reason I was born. I am not an accident and you love me. This is very difficult for me to believe because I think I was a mistake. But I am willing to to give you the benefit of the doubt if you could just show me something. Help me to believe that you care for me. Help me to love you too so that I can be all that You envisioned for me." That's it. You see because He loves you so much, and you have given Him permission, He will show you something. So look out. It's coming.

If there are any readers out there, I would love to know what happened. Please share your stories as I share mine.